Increasing Taxi Services in the City

UPDATE JUNE 20th - we voted to trial back cans back through bank junction, so I hope for progress soon!

I'm concerned that those making decisions about our transport arrangements have discounted the importance of taxi's in our transport mix.

For those with mobility issues, safety concerns or luggage to transport a Taxi can be vital. Sadly the City has seen a real decline in Taxi's availability.

Data and responses from drivers show that the availability of Black Cabs in the City of London – especially around the Bank area is poor due to the existing restrictions on their movements:

• 87% of drivers have changed their working patterns in relation to the Bank area since restrictions came in with 35% avoiding the City of London completely

• 63% actively avoid working in the Bank area with 49% responding that they avoided the area at all times, regardless of the timings of restrictions

• 44% of jobs booked on the booking app Gett, were unfulfilled in the Bank area compare to just 18% in Covent Garden

• 3 out of 4 requests by mobility app Freenow could not be fulfilled in the Bank area.

Black Cabs are an integral part of the Square Mile and London’s public transport system and lifting restrictions is critical for:

• Businesses – who rely on Black Cabs for fast, readily available transport. A reason that businesses choose the City and Central London to have offices.  Integral to the City own Vision for Economic Growth

• Visitors – Black Cabs are world-renowned for being safe and trusted by visitors to London.  Vital for the City’s own Destination City Strategy

• Accessibility – to provide access everywhere for those with mobility challenges: elderly, infirm, disabled or those with young children.  Critical for equality and to prevent discrimination

• Safety – to ensure they are available across London all hours to ensure safety of women or vulnerable users - Supporting women’s safety and feeling of safety With some 50% now all electric, modern Black Cabs are also an environmentally friendly form of transport and their safety record is second to none.

The City of London is reviewing the evidence for the lifting of restrictions on Black Cabs, across Bank Junction 24/7/365 to improve availability?

Would you support the lifting of restrictions?

If you do, please share your name, position and the business you work for. You may ask the campaign to withhold your name or business name from publication. The call for evidence is in its final stages, so please do not delay in letting them know if you support the lifting of restrictions. Your support matters.
