2022 Pledges Restoring the City - Supporting businesses and residents in Tower Ward – The pandemic has hit our all businesses hard, especially our smaller shops, hotels...
Covid Recovery The lockdowns that followed the arrival of Covid-19 in the UK in March 2020, has seen the whole country suffer. From mid 2020 I joined calls for more thought of...
Brexit Brexit dominates the agenda for many businesses based in the City. I'm optomistic that the UK can find a positive trading arrangement with the EU and find a new lease of opportunity in the wider world. However, as one of your Councilmen I need to do all I can to assist us in getting a good deal as we leave the EU. So I set out here some of the priorities I'm working on.
Transport Transport infrastructure is vital for those commuting or transporting goods, whether locally, nationally or to Europe. We must never lose sight of the importance of investment in our roads and train services.
Broadband -Better Connectivity Campaign - Wired & Unwired Connectivity is Key to Business and Our Community I support continued improvement to our digital and communications infrastructure. Wired & Wireless...
Coffee Cup Challenge City of London launches challenge to boost coffee cup recycling The City of London Corporation, in conjunction with Network Rail, coffee chains and some...
Working to help Smithfield Market Since 2009 I have been honoured to serve on the markets committee of the City of London, and in May 2017 I became the Committee Chairman. I stood down having confirmed the future of the markets will be on a consolidated basis in September 2020.
Education Education and training is key to unlocking our children’s potential. I believe in academic and vocational opportunities for all. I also believe we must have effective careers advice as part of our education offering, to give people the best start in life. The City has been evolving its education provision to support a wider range of schools and academies for more information on our Strategy to 2019 please read our strategy paper.
Planning We need new homes but not without considering our communities and infrastructure. We should encourage opportunities for smaller developers especially in more rural areas to allow considered organic growth of villages to meet local needs. Importantly we must ensure major projects are not forced on communities. In the City of London we must continue to strive for the very best in our architecture, because it is our environment, so that we are all proud of this wonderful city.